Are you looking for a place to download free TV episodes? Not to overstate the obvious, but by the time we consume products from companies like Pepsi, they are so far removed from their source of production that they might as well have been delivered by spacecraft (piloted by Shakira, of course). Like the smartphone, Pepsi's marketing image is pure and whatever waste, toxic byproducts or health effects that come from its production process and waste remains out of view to the average consumer. The Shakira ad, then, in fact propagates an ecological worldview, a mental model for how we engage (or not, as is most often the case) our living systems.
YouTube has recently started to experiment with replacing Google+ notifications in the navigation bar with YouTube notifications. You get notifications for recently uploaded videos from your subscribed channels, but only if you've enabled notifications for those channels. For example, you can go to the subscription manager and click the bell icon next to a channel to enable or disable notifications.
In March, 22.5 million unique Canadian users watched 5.6 billion online videos for 388 million hours of viewing, averaging out to about 251 videos per user and 17.2 hours of viewing, comScore reported. Those numbers didn't even include streaming through Netflix, since comScore still cannot yet fully account for the site's traffic.

Kanopy has all sorts of movies, listed in full here There are science fiction, fantasy, drama, classic, romance, war, comedy, and other movie genres, including TV series. You'll also find documentaries, independent films, media and communication videos, business-centered films, and more.

The ANC was afforded a chance for the past 20 years to better the conditions of Africans that were destroyed by Apartheid. What the ANC has done is exacerbate this condition, ignore the cries and pleas of the poor, and for the past 20 years kept on coming back to have them voted into power.
The notion of zombies has always fascinated humanity, so it's no surprise that The Walking Dead and its spinoff Fear the Walking Dead are so popular among viewers, even though the actual word is never used. As the latter is preparing to return to the screens, make sure you can watch Fear the Walking Dead live online.
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