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Jak patrzysz na Petru, to od razu widzisz, że nie tylko ładnie pachnie, ale na pewno ma kartę multisport i regularnie biega po parku. Nie wiadomo, co dokładnie chodzi, ale coś że zachód, Balcerowicz, niskie podatki i generalnie jebać biedę. Gdyby Petru mógł, oddałby Polskę w leasing do GE Money Bank, a zamiast ubezpieczeń społecznych - każdemu zaproponował elastyczny kredyt we frankach z bardzo atrakcyjnym oprocentowaniem. Co prawda kontrowersję wzbudza projekt oddania Amazonowi 5 milionów najbiedniejszych Polaków w zamian za roczną dostawę cygar, ale Petru wydaje się bardzo mądry, więc wszyscy zamknąć ryje. Z ciekawostek: podobno jak się „" przeczyta od tyłu, to wychodzi „Platforma Obywatelska".
pokaż spoiler Medical insurance is a distinctly American issue, but we wanted to ensure that we were fair to single and married people. We decided to cover single people 100%, spouses 50%, and children 25%. That felt fair because we were giving married people a good benefit, but not so much that single employees would feel married people were getting compensated so much more than them. After a few years, we found that nobody really even thought about medical insurance as something one person was getting more than another, so we changed spouses to 75% and children to 50%. While I'm on the subject, medical insurance costs about $1,300 per month, and we cover about $1,000 of that, with the employees covering the other $300. That's before tax though, so probably only about $200 in actual cash.

Hulu has some of the highest picture quality for online streaming services available, but in order to watch Supernatural, you have to either connect a cable account or wait eight days. But at least if you have Hulu Plus, you can stream it to a phone or some other device.
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