American Idol was the first reality television show to really become a hit and it has been going strong for nearly a decade now. The old adage says that everyone's a critic, but new media have made everyone a gatekeeper as well. An increasing number of Americans—particularly younger adults—use social media networks to access and assess news (Purcell, Rainie, Mitchell, Rosensteil, & Olmstead, 2010). A recent study conducted by the Pew Research Center found that in 2010, 75% of online news consumers reported that they received news forwarded through e-mails or social networking sites and that approximately half of those users shared links to news stories using social media.
Esbat - An esbat is a day for spiritual gatherings of a coven or circling group or observation by a solo practitioner. The Esbats are lunar and represent the Goddess at her height of power. These are the times when Her magic is more potent than on any other day of the month. Esbats are days specially set aside for spellwork or worship (or both) and may take place on either the full moon or the new moon or both depending on tradition.

Waco is one of several buzzworthy series Paramount will launch in its first year; others include a dark comedy series adaptation of cult-fave movie Heathers and the family drama Yellowstone, starring Kevin Costner and created by Hell or High Water's Oscar-nominated screenwriter (and former Sons of Anarchy co-star) Taylor Sheridan.

There is an urgent need to recreate all the original actors in their exact same TV format as the original 1960's series but with new episodes. This FX recreation has to incorporate (FX) "cardboard sets", the odd quirks of lighting, the same sound effects, occasional slight errors such as Captain Kirk's forward rolls and goofy monsters.
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