Cynthia Sass

How To Slim Calves

Lose 10 pounds in 21 days? The sad truth is that conventional ideas - eat less, run more - do not work long term. Counting calories, exercising for hours every day and trying to ignore your hunger? That's needless suffering and it wastes your time and precious willpower. It's weight loss for masochists. Eventually almost everyone gives up. That's why we have an obesity epidemic. Fortunately there's a better way.

If you're looking to slim down quickly, you want to focus on ditching the flab; that's where interval training comes in. This particular type of exercise is extremely effective for transforming your physique. Although high intensity interval training (or HIIT for short) doesn't need to be part of your normal gym routine—studies have found that no matter what type of exercise regimen you complete, there's no difference in levels of ghrelin, a hunger-regulating hormone—it will stoke your calorie-burning fire outside the gym when you're looking to lose weight quickly.

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