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Inna sprawa, że nawet jak taki njus był na głównej wyborczej tylko parę godzin, to ci, którzy chcieli go przeczytać to go przeczytali. Ci, którzy go nie przeczytali to przeważnie i tak się takimi rzeczami nie interesują. I chociażby to wisiało kilka dni to nic by to specjalnie nie zmieniło. Poza tym wydanie internetowe jest tak jakby dodatkiem do wersji papierowej. Ta natomiast ma już wszystko na swoim miejscu no, mniej więcej.

hi, i am from the philippines and I believe that this giants existed as my grand parents keep on talking about them and the evidences that could provide as a proof their presence long time ago. It says that their footprints can still be found in the mountains near our province but since its dangerous nobody has the guts go and see it.I have heard that human giants bones were excavated somewhere in our country but I am not sure where it is.thanks for a very educational facts. i have been reading the bible and been fascinated about nephilim and I was directed in your site. Good luck and hope to read and see more evidences to clear my mind from the theory of evolution.

This first Deposition of African History of South Africa starts it from long before Pre-history, and then goes on to delineate the historical timeline using fossils and recovered industrial material. These deposition I will be posting, will not only talk about the Khoi being Africans of South Africa, but as has been seen in the "Pre-History" narrative above, the evolution of Africans in South Africa was "sine quanon" African throughout the country now known as Mzantsi, that one group cannot be separated from the 11(Eleven) indigenous groups that make up the nation of Africans of South Africa.
Neighbors From Hell: (Friday, July 23rd 12:00-1:00) Executive Producers Pam Brady (South Park) and Mireille Soria (Madagascar) screen a never-before-seen episode of their newly launched TBS animated series, and take questions from the audience along with their all-star voice cast including Molly Shannon (SNL), Patton Oswalt (My Weakness is Strong, Ratatouille), Will Sasso (MADtv), Kurtwood Smith (That '70s Show), David Soren (DreamWorks animation veteran), Kyle McCulloch (Mr. Wong) and Tracey Fairaway (Chicago 8) in Room 25ABC.
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