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Too many of us for too long have convinced ourselves racial attitudes or racial perspectives stems from some internal human characteristic but I say no because racial attitudes has to be learned. Babies born with skin color of White, Black, Brown etc. have no animosity towards babies of a different color now at some point they may become curious as to why another baby is of a different color but they don't hate other babies for that it is only after they began to get up in age that they are affected by their environment, parents, relatives, viewing and listening media, friends do these attitudes began to exist.
Tanya is a nurse and works in a busy downtown hospital on the surgery ward. Some days things get pretty intense on her watch. It had been one of those totally stressful days when mister new man in her life" came along and took her out for coffee because she was having a bad day. He ordered the coffees, chatted a bit about his software business and when she was suitably settled and sipping on the latte he stopped chatting and looked her directly in the eyes and said OK, tell me about your day now." And he just sat there, listening and nodding. Tanya said it was the greatest experience having her man just listen to her and not offer advice. She felt better about her day and was becoming definitely interested in this new man in her life.
Sheryl was the first to bounce back from the cancellation, not just attempting to revive her singing career, but joining the cast of It's A Living for it's last three seasons, the cast of Moesha in 1996, and appearing in many television shows and movies in between. Joanna Cassidy also continued appearing on television shows and movies, such as Who Framed Roger Rabbit ( 1988 ). But Robin once again vanished off the face of the Earth. At first I had no idea that that actress I had just fallen for was gone again. I assumed that she would be back in the next fall season, as a guest star on different shows, or perhaps even ending up in another series. But that never happened. It would be another three years before she unexpectedly popped up again. In the meantime, I found out she was in a movie other than Times Square.

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