I encountered a great deal of online praise for this series, so that when I had the opportunity to watch it I jumped in eagerly, and with no expectations of any kind, since I knew very little about it. What I found is a small jewel of a story, one that ensnared me completely and led to a quick, compulsive watch. This remarkable similarity has roused some interesting debates over time. While not too many of the slaves originated in Southern Africa(except for the fact that there are many from Angola in Brazil, and Caribbean and US), there is a consistency in the structural principles of indigenous African music Throughout sub-Saharan Africa. And we can recognize continuities between traditional South African and African American derived music of the New WorldUSA, in particular.
Where I live on the island of Tenerife it appears as if it is mainly Catholics that live here and that Catholicism is the main faith, but looking past the images of Jesus and the Madonna and the various saints it is easy to find occult symbols in artwork and sculptures in churches as well as in public places.
In other words, the illusion that time is linear - that there is a sensible progression from one moment to the next - is merely an agreement that human beings make. Just as during courtship people focus entirely on the positive aspects of their relationship and ignore the negative ones; and later when the marriage falls apart all they focus on are the negatives and ignore the positives; in the same way people focus all their moment-to-moment attention on that which seems to be familiar and persistent. But the truth is that each passing moment is an entirely new ballgame with completely different rules: nothing persists, and everything is ineffable. Familiarity is a lie people tell themselves and each other to keep from losing their marbles: Oh no, I'm not completely disoriented here, everything's just fine and dandy!" It's this lie that makes society (waking consciousness) possible.
But no, it's almost never the technology. Different technologies are biased to particular things — for example, guns are biased towards killing more than pillows are. But it's still people — at the gun companies, shareholders of the gun companies, still human beings — that are responsible for the unnecessary proliferation of weapons into our society. The more we focus on the object, the less we can do as humans to change any of this.

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