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For the first time in the series, we finally get a glimpse of Adam outside of his natural habitat, and guess what? He likes to read books, he has friends, and he even owns a few shirts! I know this is a lot to take in, but the truth is, Adam doesn't look nearly as douchey with clothing on the upper-half of his body.
Of course, Eden's birth was wonderful too and definitely what I needed at that time in my life. It was during that process that I gained so much confidence in myself, God and a woman's body. I emerged from that experience absolutely convinced that there was nothing I could not do. For Ariella's birth, though, I knew I wanted and needed something different. The Lord granted me that, and I had the beautiful, connected birth that I had prayed and prepared for.
The rest of the world has, in effect, long supported and nurtured a technology industry that revolves around the US The main reason, of course, is the fact that much of the innovation in the tech industry has come out of the US However, there is also the fact that the US has been seen as a trustworthy partner — it would be hard to imagine Europeans willingly throwing their personal communications and virtual life into Chinese cloud services, for example.
In our zeal to be a positive force in the lives of those about whom we care, it is tempting for us to try to mold our loved ones into the people we want them to be. Our advice for them sometimes reflects our vision of their success rather than something compatible with their vision. At times such as these, it is important to quash your desire to be a superstar" coach and simply play your position.
A photo of the four Thai Navy SEALs who stayed with the soccer team in the cave has gone viral after being shared on the SEALs' Facebook page The photo has been shared over 89,000 times at the time of writing, and has racked up a whopping 509,000 likes.
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