Times are changing. The bottle-neck reach the top sieves more and leaves the rest out of the system of becoming educated-literally left in a no man's land vicinity. The thing about present-day education is that it does not even educate students about civic studies and or present them with such articles to help them have a grip on their present reality, through reading about the past of their educational system. Learning and writing our history ourselves from an African centered perspective is very important and critical to our development and nation-building.
According to the FiveThirtyEight statistics online site March 19, 2015 online article titled, What Percentage of Americans Have Served In The Military?" by Mona Chalabi, it's estimated at 0.4 percent of the American adult population are currently active in the armed forces. Meaning the unlikelihood most of us will experience fighting on foreign lands. All it takes is to read any of reputable sources, or seek out documentaries such as The Vietnam War by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick, to be aware that war is not as neat and tidy as playing chess or the Hasbro strategy board game Risk. Season 8 wasn't called All Out War" for nothing. Therefore this review of The Walking Dead episode will be my first ever with major spoilers. You heard right. Let's begin.

CLEVELAND—Live bear cubs, magicians, penguins, mimes, a 1979 conversion van with shag carpeting: Cubs manager Joe Maddon runs a baseball team the way Bill Murray might if they ever let the Cubs' biggest celebrity fan be in charge. But even The Great Maddonini, as his forefathers were known in their neighborhood west of Rome, outdid himself in Game 6 of the World Series Tuesday. Forget Murray; Maddon went all Carl Spackler on the Fall Classic.
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