Trump Says Tech Companies 'Better Be Careful'
If you don't want to or you're unable to sit in front of your TV for a long time while waiting for your favorite TV show to come on, or you're busy with work during their time slot, or even if you just don't want to deal with all the commercials and interruptions, you have two alternative means of watching a TV show using the Internet. I still know people who believe that anything they read in a newspaper or on the web is true. Some people think police are always right when they arrest people, but they don't have all the facts at the time, the person should be considered innocent until proven guilty. But I see more of a rush to judgment now, and people are considered guilty until proven innocent, and even then some don't want to believe in the person's innocence. Sorry peoplepower, I won't post anymore. This got way off topic.
But our use of technology is not the only culprit here, there is another. And one such perpetrator is business. Let's face it, business is highly impersonal, especially when we seek to maximize profits and maximizing profits is the ethic of the day. For when profit is king, people are pawns. And being pawns means that we are the most disposable piece in the game. And the more expendable people are, the more our humanity becomes moot.
Attitude #18 - Internal Clarity. My team and I have been blessed to travel the world. One thing that I always wondered is how the pilots of the airplanes that took us around the globe were able to stay focused for great lengths of time and take on the responsibility of hundreds of lives soaring thousands of feet above ground. What I didn't know was that pilots must maintain strict health regimens for their careers and often have health screenings to clear them of any issue that could have an effect on their ability to fly the aircraft. Now, that's what I call internal clarity.
A: Shulk ma w zanadrzu Counter. Można od czasu do czasu go użyć, by wylądować i przy okazji zadać obrażenia przeciwnikowi, który właśnie chciał Cię wykopać Up Smashem. Nie można tego natomiast używać zbyt często, bo Counter też ma dość duży lag podczas użycia, więc stajemy się łatwo przewidywalni. Inną alternatywą jest Air Dodge, ale ma on tyle samo klatek lagu, co klatek działania. Fast Fall, w szczególności z Jump Monado jest innym ciekawym sposobem, a jeśli istnieje taka możliwość, warto spróbować wylądować na krawędzi mapy i stamtąd planować kolejną akcję.
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