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After George died, I'd sit on my bedroom floor and wail "what did I do wrong?" Objectively, nothing. But I felt so alone and powerless to fix it. There had to be a solution to my situation; I just hadn't been resourceful enough to figure it out. Finding true love for a second time is a lovely idea, the reality of online dating ranges from amusing to soul deadening.

Kandi clues Porsha in to what the streets were saying regarding the timeline of her and Dennis' relationship. Nene is joined by husband Gregg and the two get candid about his cancer diagnosis and their marriage. Marlo and Tanya join the ladies and they all rehash the drama of their Destin and Tokyo trips. Tempers flare when the ladies discuss the infamous "Bye Wig" party.
Michael Jackson miał blisko 500$ tys. dolarów długów. Miał je spłacić powracając na scenę, jednak nie był w stanie dać 50 koncertów. Nie mógł odwołać, ponieważ to groziło karą. Pomysł? Po śmieci Michaela każdy zainteresuje się nim, płyty będą się lepiej sprzedawać kupa kasy. I tak też jest.
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