A bittersweet occasion. You probably know that you have at least one angel with you at all times, your guardian angel, right? And there are also many angels and guides that come in and go out of your life at various times, there to help you and comfort you? They can give you nudges, little whispers, send synchronicities your way, and they can comfort you during difficult times, but they cannot interfere with your free will unless you give them permission to help. Yes, by simply asking your angels for help, you give them the permission they need. And as you speak to and work with your angels, watch this relationship change your whole life in ways you probably never dreamed or imagined.
Keeping in mind about the Wolves, the first clue of their existence was back in episode 9. When Rick's group arrive at Noah's neighborhood in Richmond, VA, but to discover the people already dead and the place destroyed by walkers, and by the Wolves. For in the background behind a grieving Noah, spray painted on a brick wall are the words, "Wolves not far." The same words that appear on a car at the food warehouse at the end of the season 5 finale, where Morgan had previously rescued Daryl and Aaron. So after Michonne convinces Rick that they all should travel the 100 miles to Washington D.C., despite knowing Eugene lied about a cure to the walker apocalypse, we now know that the Wolves traveled those same miles in pursuit of more prey.
During the classical age, there was no other aspect of Egyptian religion that elicited more derision from writers than the aspect of Egyptian animal worship. Among the various cults established by the ancient Egyptians, it seems to many even today to be one of the most strange and mysterious. There is evidence of animal cults that dates back to at least the fourth millennium BC in Egypt, including predynastic ritual burials of animals such as gazelles, dogs, cattle, monkey and rams at sights such as Badari, Naqada , Maadi and Heliopolis Erik Hornung notes that the care with which these animals were buried and provided with grave goods is evidence for a cult of sacred animals".
Thank you Amanda Seven for a very thoughtful and insightful comment on the article above. I will make sure I go and read the hub you mentioned and also read the comments you received. You are correct, that people like to think that 'they are thinkers and the ideas they espouse are their own'. As you are observing, 'that's far from the truth' especially for the people who are aware to the power the media wields and the manipulative characteristics of technological gadgets and people who have the power to control them. If we sharpen our abilities to decode propaganda, we stand a chance to configure 'the message coded in the sub-ext.' So true! Thank you for the wonderful response.
As Africans, the world over, we sometimes do not really dig deeper into the meanings and realities brought about by these new technologies which we use as leaders of our people, and our people, en-masse, use them too. Studying the effects and affects these new emerging and merging technologies should be studied as to what their intentions are, what their techniques are, what it is that they do to us and what can we cannot do anything about but by becoming aware of them and their existential effects and affects.

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