We are now in season six of American Idol, one of the most wildly successful TV shows ever. On Thursday, Nielsen rolled out the first significant find from its new streaming ratings : the Stranger Things 2" premiere pulled in 15.8 million viewers over its opening weekend. That's 800,000 more than AMC's The Walking Dead" Season 8 start nabbed with the benefit of three days worth of catch-up viewing.
The Sharpeville Massacre was one of the most important turning points in the history of South Africa. It triggered a chain of events, from the banning of liberation organizations, the launch of the armed struggle, the internationalization of the South Africa's Apartheid policies and the growing division between black and white South Africans.

właśnie obejrzałam do końca # americangods i chyba jestem rozczarowana. Ogólnie serial jest dobrze zagrany i zrealizowany (jeśli chodzi warstwę wizualną), ale strasznie gubi tempo. Po finale nie miałam wrażenia, że zobaczyłam finał, tylko, że ktoś mi urwał historię w połowie (wiem, że to nie koniec, ale jeśli dzieli się coś na sezony, to koniec każdego z nich powinien zamykać jakiś etap historii, a tu mi tego zabrakło). Pamiętam, że w książce te wstawki opowiadające przybyciu kolejnych bogów do Ameryki całkiem fajnie się sprawdzały, ale w serialu mi przeszkadzały. Barokowy styl Fullera zdążył mi się już opatrzeć w Hannibalu. Wątki społeczno-polityczne były ostro przeszarżowane. Nie jest to może serial zły, ale nie potrafię zrozumieć bardzo wysokich ocen jakie mu są wystawiane.
There will never be a total love of Jesus on this planet. It's a corrupt world and will remain so until Christ returns. There are also different ministries for some. I have a bold - in-your-face ministry. I have overstepped here sometimes - I will concede that fully to you. I am aware of that and I'm also aware of how imperfect I am. However - I have many times gone before the Lord about the boldness I have and it is well placed when I use it correctly. I wish sometimes I could be a sweet, quiet voice - people who are like that are MUCH more popular. And God shows me when and how I can use that type of witness. So I get a glimpse. However, most of the time - it is bold, it is "loud" and it is hard-hitting. I cannot deny that voice because I have even asked that God not give it to me. I know - thus far - I am to continue as I have been.
Featuring a unique mix of immersive environments, interactives, and multimedia content, visitors will experience the mythical lands of Westeros and Essos and relive the trials and tribulations of the series' nobles and common folk alike who struggle for survival in the shadow of the Iron Throne.

One of the 21st century's finest films, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" appears on multiple best-of lists, yet it still doesn't seem to have earned its cultural due. Julian Schnabel brings his painterly sensibilities to the wrenching but life-affirming story of Jean-Dominique Bauby, a French magazine editor who suffered a stroke that rendered him physically paralyzed but mentally sound. Able only to blink his left eye, Bauby, portrayed by Mathieu Amalric, became determined to rediscover his spirit in the face of misfortune. The movie is elegant and dazzling.
To this point I would like to add that, today, we see this technological gadgets are proliferating throughout the world. The emergence on these new gadgets and the more "user-friendly" they have become, has begun to enslave us to these gadgets and the techniques embedded within the core of the functions of these technologies. The behavior of people has changed, and most people are now nestled to, affected and effected by, and preoccupied with their cell phones, iTunes, now the new iCloud From Apple, Notepads, NoteBooks iPods, PlayStations 1, 2 and 3, Wii's, XBox360, Nintendo DS, PSP(Play Station Portable, Tablet, Smart phones, Nintendo Gametube, XBox, Nintendo DS, Nintendo D Lite, all types of APPS and the like.
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